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Letzte Änderung:
11.03.2020, 11:51

1 Person online



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Sri Ramakrishna

Nehmen Sie teil an der Bewegung von Selbstverantwortung und Sinn erfülltem Leben. Bleiben Sie informiert.

Frances Moore Lappé als Kriegerin der Hoffnung! Hier ein Rückblick auf die Tour der altern. Nobelpreisträgerin vom Mai diesen Jahres.

Big Mind - Big Heart

Tour mit Genpo Roshi 2008 Hamburg und Berlin

Spirituelle Sommerkademie

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

>>Interview mit Eckart von Hirschhausen


Dan Millman

Workshops in Hamburg und Berlin


Neale Donald Walsch

Kinotour 2007 - der Film
Gespräche mit Gott

Neale Donald Walsch

11 Städte
in 6 Tagen
bis Zürich.

Personal Symposium

Authentisch Führen 2005 Personal-Symposium Frankfurt. Mit Maucher (Nestlé).  Underberg, Fred Kofman, Don Beck, u.a. Paul Kothes und Hans Wielens führen durch die Veranstaltung.

Sie sind hier: Startseite > Zu mir > CSR > Diet for a Hot Planet

Diet for a Hot Planet


"Big news! My new book, Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It (Bloomsbury USA), is on sale now, today, right this moment.
The book is part-exposé, part-myth-debunking, part-what-you-can-do about the global food system's impact on the climate.
Booklist calls it "impeccable, informative, and inspiring." Eric Schlosser deems it "timely and empowering." My 8-month old daughter Ida thinks it tastes really good.

Learn the story behind the book



Diet for a Hot Planet from INVISIBLE HAND on Vimeo.



(huge thanks to my brother, Anthony!).  
Books are like movies: The first week makes all the difference. If the book does well this week, we'll get even more support from the publisher, booksellers will keep it on the shelves, maybe even the front racks.

So... if you're considering buyingDHP Book Cover the book, please, please do it now, knowing your purchase is helping us spread the word on the important connection between food and the climate crisis.
Hope to see you on the road! Visit www.takeabite.cc to see the book tour schedule.
Ideas, connections, thoughts? Get in touch at info@takeabite.cc.
A million thanks for all your support and all the great work
you do!


Anna Lappé"